Welcome to the Governors' section of the school website.
Our Governing body numbers 14 members, including parent governors, staff governors and co-opted governors and meets once every half term.
All the governors are volunteers in their role. They are elected by different stakeholders depending on the type of governor role (e.g. parent governors are elected by the parents of pupils currently at the school, Foundation governors are elected by the church, co-opted governors are elected by the governing body).
We currently have a vacancy for a co-opted governor - click here to find out more.
Our role as governors is threefold:
- to ensure the school has clarity of vision, ethos and direction; we do this through setting the aims and objectives, policies and targets for the school;
- to monitor and evaluate progress and to support and challenge the headteacher; we do this at our regular meetings and also through governor visits;
- to oversee the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.
To manage this workload we have two sub-committees - Curriculum and Community (C&C) and Resources & Personnel (R&P) - each of which also meet once every half term. Broadly, C&C monitor the teaching and learning of the curriculum, inclusion and safeguarding, attendance and community links, while the R&P looks after financial matters, premises, personnel and health and safety.
We also have our own 3-year strategy that we regularly review and update; we have recently set our 2021-2024 strategy focusing on recovering, restoring and regenerating. It encompasses the following:
- Wellbeing of children, staff and school families; this encompasses supporting our school community through enhancing the physical environment (both building & grounds)
- Teaching and learning, which includes maintaining and developing a broad and balanced curriculum which Ofsted previously praised, while adopting positive practices from the pandemic; this also includes consideration of maximising use of our grounds for provision of sports and outdoor learning for all and extra-curricular provision
- Continuing to strive for outstanding governance – an important part of our strategy which incorporates governor visits, training and succession planning
We are always keen to hear the views of parents, staff, children and members of the local community. Please get in touch via the school office or by emailing
The governors may also be contacted via the school office. If you have concerns relating to the day to day running of the school these should, in the first instance, be referred to the Headteacher.
Academic Year 2023/2024
Western CE Governor Newsletter July 24
download_for_offlineWestern CE Governor Newsletter July 24
- Western CE Governor Newsletter Dec 23 download_for_offline
download_for_offlineWestern CE Governor Newsletter Dec 23
- Western CE Governor Newsletter July 23 download_for_offline
download_for_offlineWestern CE Governor Newsletter July 23
- Western CE Governor Newsletter Dec 22 download_for_offline
download_for_offlineWestern CE Governor Newsletter Dec 22
Academic Year 2021/2022
Western CE Governor Newsletter July 22
download_for_offlineWestern CE Governor Newsletter July 22
- Western CE Governor Newsletter July 21 download_for_offline
download_for_offlineWestern CE Governor Newsletter July 21
- Western CE Governor Newsletter Dec 20 download_for_offline
download_for_offlineWestern CE Governor Newsletter Dec 20
Academic Year 2019/2020
Western CE Governor Newsletter June 20
download_for_offlineWestern CE Governor Newsletter June 20
Membership of Governing Body
()= start and end of tenure dates
CO-OPTED GOVERNORS (4) (Appointing Body: the Governing Body)
Debbi Bentley
(11/7/2023 - 2/7/2027)
Rosie Hiett
(6/3/2024 - 5/03/2028)
Tadana Chisenga
(22/05/2024 - 21/05/2028)
Vacancy x 1
(Appointing Body: Winchester Diocesan Board of Education)
Vicki Tibbitts* (Chair)(9/1/2021 - 9/1/2025)
Revd Dr Jonathan Rowe (Vice-Chair)
Vacancy x 1
LOCAL AUTHORITY GOVERNOR (1) (Appointing Body: the Governing Body with CC approval)
Mike Longman
(26/11/2022 - 26/11/2026)
PARENT GOVERNORS (4) (Appointing Body: the Parent Body of the school)
James Masters
(20/10/2023 - 19/10/2027)
Paul Willans
(20/10/2023 - 19/10/2027)
Charlotte Harley
(22/05/2024 - 21/05/2028)
Catherine Whittaker
(20/11/2024 - 19/11/2028)
(Appointing Body: the Staff Body of the school)
Sarah Horton
(11/7/23 - 10/7/2027)
HT (1)
Peter Burbridge*
(ex-officio Governor) (1/9/2013)
*=Governors who have completed the Safer Recruitment certificate online
Debbi Bentley - Wellbeing Link
James Masters – Development & Training
Vicki Tibbitts - SEN & Inclusion, SIAMS
Rosie Hiett - Safeguarding
Mike Longman - Health & Safety
Jonathan Rowe - SIAMS
(to include the role of the Pay Committee)
Mike Longman (Chair)
Debbi Bentley
Peter Burbridge (HT)
(Advisory only on Pay Cttee)
James Masters
Paul Willans
Also in attendance:
Business Manager
By invitation: Paul Budd (Site Manager)
Peter Burbridge (HT)
Tadana Chisenga
Charlotte Harley
Rosie Hiett
Sarah Horton (Chair)
Jonathan Rowe
Vicki Tibbitts
Also in attendance:
Karen Luke (Deputy HT)
Peter Burbridge, Mike Longman, Vicki Tibbitts
Mike Longman, Vicki Tibbitts
Peter Burbridge, Debbi Bentley and Sarah Horton all work at the school.
Clerk to the Governors: Tanya Horscroft
All correspondence should be sent to the school office
Juliane Tilney - Foundation Governor (25/7/2023 to 1/3/2024)
Amy Weatherup - Co-opted Governor (6/4/2022 - 29/3/2024)
Claire Woodcock - Parent Governor (1/3/2021 - 29/3/2024)
Alex Hutchinson - Parent Governor (27/11/2020 - 26/11/2024)
Governors' Attendance record
Click to view the Governors attendance record
Governor Access
Click here to access the Governors' section (Password required)
- Western CE Governor Newsletter July 21 download_for_offline
- Western CE Governor Newsletter Dec 23 download_for_offline