Western CofE Primary

Church of England

Useful forms

Download, complete & return forms as required to the School Office or by email to:


Please note that some forms do require an actual signature.

Request for Absence

If you would like to to request holiday in term time please complete the form below.

Application form to request absence

Medicines in school

Only prescribed medicines will be administered at school to children when absolutely necessary.  

We ask that parents only bring medicine to school if the prescribed dosage is to be given four times a day. Where a child is receiving three daily doses this can usually be given at home. 

If you wish your child to take prescribed medicines at school please make sure that: 

  • a parent or other responsible adult with written authority hands the medicine into the school office with the appropriate written instructions.
  • the responsible adult completes page one and the first two sections of page two of the Medicines administration record form below.
  • medicines are in their original container as dispensed by the pharmacy, clearly labelled with contents, owner’s name and class.

Medicines administration record

Classroom volunteers

If you would like to help us in class, please check with your class teacher first and then have a look at the guidance notes below for how to apply.

Guidance notes

Volunteer application form

Childcare disqualification declaration